Legal notice

Registered office

Quilvest Capital Partners S.A.
9 All. Scheffer Building C
L-2520 Luxembourg

Mailing address

P.O. Box 154
L-2011 Luxembourg

Contact details

Phone: +352 47 38 85 1
Fax: +352 47 28 85 40


Regulatory information

Société Anonyme (public limited liability company) incorporated under Luxembourg law.

Registration number with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés de Luxembourg):  B156529


Purpose of this website

This website aims at presenting Quilvest Capital Partners S.A. (QCP) and its activities. It should neither be considered as constituting an establishment nor the provision of services outside the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Anyone residing in a state where it is forbidden for any reason relating to, for example, his nationality or residence, to visit foreign banks’ familial institutions websites, shall refrain himself from visiting this website. QCP shall not be held liable towards anyone and invites all users to verify that no law or rule prevents or restricts the accessibility to this website in your jurisdiction.



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The lifetime of a cookie in a computer cannot exceed one year as from the first connection. QCP informs the users of this website that they may block the implantation of “cookies” by configuring their browser in the following manner:

Mozilla firefox:

  1. Select “Tools” then “Options
  2. Click on “Privacy”
  3. Locate “Cookies” and select the options that suit you

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  1. Select “Tools” then “Internet Options” 
  2. Click on “Confidentiality” 
  3. Choose the desired level with the cursor

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  1. Select “Tools” then “Internet Options”
  2. Click on “Security”
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  4. Locate “Cookies” and choose the option which suits you

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  2. Select “Confidentiality and Security”
  3. Select “Cookies” 

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  1. Select “Edit” then “Preferences”
  2. Click on “Advanced”
  3. Select “Cookies” 

Opera 6.0 and above

  1. Select “File” then “Preferences”
  2. Select “Privacy 


Conditions of use and access

This purpose of this website is to convey information to existing customers of QCP as well as to persons who are not clients. The services presented on this website are however strictly dedicated to the people having a business relationship with an entity QCP or affiliate thereof.


Information made available to the user 

The information published on this website, whether of a general nature (such as market information) or specific (such as investment products), are provided for information purposes only. This information is published without any commitment as to its completeness, accuracy and timeliness. It does not constitute an offer or a solicitation for the purchase or sale of financial instruments. It has no value as legal, accounting or tax advice and is only valid for the time the information is given. The information is not intended to be a substitute of the knowledge and skills of the users and should therefore be estimated with the advice of a qualified professional. Information may also come from external providers. To the exception of gross negligence willful misconduct, QCP shall not be held liable towards the users of the information and its direct and indirect consequences. 

The distribution of this information, in particular when relating to investment funds, is limited or regulated by law in certain countries. More specifically, the distribution of information and the subscription to those investment funds may be prohibited or subject to prior authorization from the competent authorities. QCP draws the attention of visitors of this website to the fact that this information is not addressed to persons or entities which, as a consequence of their nationality or residence, are subject to foreign law, prohibiting or restricting diffusion.  

QCP reserves the right to modify the contents of its website or make it inaccessible. 


Information on financial risks

Giving orders or instructions requires a perfect knowledge of the rules and functioning of financial markets (including private equity). It is intended for experienced investors who are aware of the quick fluctuations which may occur on certain financial markets, their speculative nature or their lack of liquidity. 

If clients consider that they do not know the financial instruments in which they plan to invest and that they lack information about an operation they intend to conclude, they have to contact QCP to determine whether the envisaged operation is consistent with their investor profile and investment objectives. 
QCP shall not bear any liability in relation to the appropriateness of an instructed transaction or the compliance of this transaction with the customer profile. 


Intelectual property

The Website is the exclusive property of QCP. The Website is protected by the Luxembourg Laws applicable to intellectual property rights. As such, the Website may not in any way and without the prior authorisation of QCP be fully or partially reproduced or made available or used otherwise than in the way and for the purpose approved by QCP. 

QCP shall not be held liable, vis-à-vis its clients and third parties, for any sort of loss or damage arising from the fraudulent use of its name by any third party, whether directly or indirectly. QCP disclaims any responsibility or liability for any actions, transactions, or representations made by such fraudulent third parties using its name.  

Clients shall be extremely cautious with e-mails which they may receive from third parties pretending to be part of QCP, and which may include, for example hyperlinks, or requiring to disclose access codes and QCP shall not be held liable for any damages which the clients may incur in this regards. If you are uncertain about the legitimacy of an email or communication you receive that appears to be from QCP, please do not hesitate to reach out to your regular QCP contact, or to send an email to our official IR email address; If you suspect that an email or text message you received is a phishing attempt, please

  • do not open it,
  • delete it immediately,
  • do not download any attachments,
  • never click on links that appear in the message,
  • do no reply to the sender and
  • please report it to us.  

The users of this website agree that any use of this website is made under their own responsibility. QCP shall not be held liable for direct or indirect damages which may be caused by the use of this website or in connection with the interruption, shut down or malfunction of this website, shut down for maintenance or repair of the computer system of QCP, technical breakdowns or network overloads, shutdowns of telephone communications, errors, negligence from the providers, Internet services or a third party in addition to a virus from the Internet. 

This website is subject to Luxembourg law. 

All disputes in relation to this website are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the District Court of Luxembourg (Tribunal d’arrondissement de Luxembourg). 

All access to this website are deemed to take place directly from the registered office of QCP on the date and at the time indicated on the QCP’s server.